AR Tax Forms
2024 Tax Forms are here
Fill these forms out each tax season if you have a dependent with Down Syndrome. Note: one of these forms requires a doctor to fill out.
2024 Tax Forms are here
Fill these forms out each tax season if you have a dependent with Down Syndrome. Note: one of these forms requires a doctor to fill out.
This handy checklist has everything you need for a successful guardianship
Disability Rights Arkansas has published a 48-page Guardianship Resources booklet, now available for free download.
“Nobody likes to attach a dollar amount to the joys of raising a child, but the fact remains that it can be quite expensive. This is especially true when it comes to raising a child with special needs.”
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.
Click the link below to download the most up-to-date Arkansas voting application
If your guardianship was established in or after 2001, you likely do not have the right to vote unless the court expressly granted that right to you. Use the following documents to help you regain the right to vote.
Download the instructions here
Arkansas Down Syndrome Association promotes and enhances the overall health and well-being of people with Down syndrome and their families.
Learn more about ADSA >