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Down Syndrome Awareness

World Down Syndrome Day

The first World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) was held on March 21st, 2006. The day and month of the day were not coincidental but were chosen specifically to correspond to 3 copies of the 21 chromosome.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

On September 28, 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed a resolution proclaiming October 1984 as National Down Syndrome Month.

Arkansas Senator Dale Bumpers was a co-sponsor of the bill.

Down Syndrome
Awareness Videos

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Down Syndrome Awareness Slide Show

This enlightening slideshow contains lots of great information about Down Syndrome. This is a great resource to share with loved ones.

Global Down syndrome Foundation has created this informative guide called “Words Can Hurt” to help people know the best language to use around Down Syndrome.

Another great resource from NDSS, a fact sheet that you can easily share with loved ones so they can quickly learn about Down Syndrome. Click through to read the facts or download the PDF.

In 2013, the theme of Wearing Odd Socks was initiated to raise awareness. Over time it has also been promoted as Lots of Socks. The idea was created because chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down’s Syndrome have an extra chromosome.

People all over the world wear colorful, attractive, crazy socks on WDSD to get noticed. Other sock themed activities like puppet making and games are also carried out in schools, playgroups, daycares and workstations.